๐ŸฒBuydra Bot

Information about the Telegram Bot Buydra.


Buydra bot has been designed from the ground up to provide your community with a way to be notified when a purchase of your token occurs. When this occurs custom messages, emojis, text and image can be displayed. Please note that the free version of the bot contains text advertising ADACash. For information about the paid version of Buydra bot please reach out to @theRealHydra on telegram.

How to add to Telegram

  1. 1.Add @buydrabot to your telegram group as a member.

  2. 2.Give the Bot administrator permissions so it is able to write messages in your chat

  3. 3.Run command /setcontract@buydrabot with your contract address. Be sure to use the checksummed version of the contract address. This can be found easily found by copying the address for the token from BscScan. The example is for ADACASH

    • /setcontract@buydrabot 0x651a89fed302227d41425235f8e934502fb94c48

  4. 4.Run command /setreactamount@buydrabot with the amount you would like to trigger on. The example is for 1 bnb.

    • /setreactamount@buydrabot 1

  5. 5.Run command /setemoji@buydrabot with your chosen emoji. The example is for a smiley face.

    • /setemoji@buydrabot ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. 6.Run command /setimage@buydrabot to set the image you would like to use on the alert. An image size of 350px x 350px is perfect. The example is to add the image hosted on imgur

  7. 7.Your bot is ready to go and will now alert on any buy on your contract that is above 1 BNB with smiley faces per 1 BNB purchase.

Commands list

  • /help - help for commands.

  • /setcontract - set the contract you would like to alert on. Be sure to use the checksummed version of the contract address. This can be found easily found by copying the address for the token from BscScan.

  • /setreactamount - set the threshold to trigger an alert on.

  • /setemoji - set the Emoji you would like to use one the alert.

  • /setimage - set the image you would like to use on the alert. This can be hosted online for example /setimage www.imgur.com/hsh

  • /settext - set a custom text to be used as the message body for the alert. Variables that can be used are as follows

    • ##EMOJIS## - Emojis you would like to place to signify a purchase.

    • ##TOKEN## - The token name (this is set with /setcontract)

    • ##BNBVAL## - The amount in BNB that was purchased.

    • ##USDVAL## - The amount in USD that was purchased.

    • ##ASSET_AMOUNT## - The amount of tokens that were purchased.

    • ##TX## - The transaction Hash of the purchase.

      • The default text if /settext is not used is as follows:- ##EMOJIS##๐Ÿ’Ž##TOKEN## Purchase!๐Ÿ’ŽAmount: ##BNBVAL## BNB (##USDVAL## USD)

      Bought: ##ASSET_AMOUNT## ##TOKEN##

Last updated